Why do I need to go to a dentist?
Everyone needs to visit a dentist at least every year for a dental examination, so that dental problems can be noted and resolved. Patients are very often not even aware they have a cavity or gum disease, since these problems can often be silent. By the time teeth become painful or loose, it is often very expensive to save the teeth. Often teeth are then removed. In addition, oral cancer screening is performed at dental visits. Also, we believe in prevention of dental disease at routine visits. We want all our patients to save their teeth for a lifetime and be healthy!

When should I go to a dentist?
Most people need to have an exam and cleaning every six months in order to maintain good dental health, and some people even need to be seen every three months for care. Only your dentist can determine what the correct interval between visits is for you. The key is prevention of dental problems. Not only is this easier for the patient, it is also less expensive. And we all want to save money!

Who should see a dentist?
Every person should see a dentist, starting when the baby teeth first appear. Early visits for infants and toddlers may only include a visual exam, but it is very important to be sure that if problems appear, such as nursing bottle mouth, or thumb-sucking, that these be addressed early. All adults and children should see a dentist regularly. And even people with dentures shoud be seen by a dentist to screen for oral cancer.

Does Lawson Dental accept all insurances?
Yes, we accept all dental insurance. You will always be notified as to what the co-pay, or amount remaining after insurance pays, will be.

Does Lawson Dental have payment plans?
Yes, we provide several payment options for all of our patients through Care Credit®. This option allows for up to 12 months interest-free-financing, or low interest rates on payments up to 60 months. This is NOT a credit card, but a health care payment system only.

Does Lawson Dental accept new patients?
Yes, we surely do. We love new patients!

Does Lawson Dental accept children?
Yes, we always accept children ages 3 and up. Children with severe dental problems or behavior problems may be referred to a children's specialist (pedodontist.)

Does Lawson Dental accept emergency patients?
Yes, we accept emergency patients--most can be seen SAME DAY!

Does Dr. Lawson treat gum disease?

Yes, Our practice at Lawson Dental is dedicated to improving and maintaining a healthy mouth for all of our patients. Not everyone who has gum disease has the symptom of bad breath. In fact, some people have NO SYMPTOMS at all. However, because we now know that gum disease can contribute to tooth loss, heart disease, diabetes, and problems with pregnancy, we do our utmost to eliminate this disease .

In order for a dentist or hygienist to determine if you have this common, but potentially serious, problem, an examination of your gums is necessary. This simple, quick exam measures the gum area around each tooth. Low measurements such as 1, 2, or 3 indicate a mouth in normal health. High measurements such as 4, 5 ,6, or even 7 or 8, indicate that there is evidence of gum disease. 

The medical term for pyorrhea, or gum disease, is PERIODONTITIS. The good news is that this is a manageable condition. With the use of comfortable, modern technology to clean the teeth, mouth rinses, and sometimes, antibiotics, most patients can be helped. 

So, the next time you are in our office, you may hear the hygienist say, “Now we are going to measure your gums.”  This examination is available to all patients over 18 years of age. 

If you have not had a gum measurement before, please understand that new information about gum disease has made all dentists more aware than ever of the importance of gum health. As science progresses, new procedures are introduced all the time to dentistry. (Remember when all fillings were black metal? Aren’t you glad things have changed?) 

 Of course, we will answer any questions you may have. And if you do have some gum problems, rest assured we will work with you to help your mouth be healthy again. 

Does Lawson Dental accept indigent patients?
We accept charitable cases through the Donated Dental Services Program of the Indiana Dental Association. Interested parties should contact them by phone for details at 317-634-2610.

Does Lawson Dental provide cosmetic dentistry, such as Lumineers®?
Yes, we provide many cosmetic services, such as Lumineers® and one-hour tooth whitening. Contact us for more information.

Does Lawson Dental provide denture and partial denture services?
Yes, we do, and we also offer same-day denture repairs. Dr. Lawson has over 30 years of experience with dentures and partials.

What if someone is embarrassed by their poor dental condition—is there hope for them?
Yes, there is always something that can be done to help someone in need. No one needs to feel embarrassed by his or her smile—let us help!

Does Invisalign really work to straighten teeth?
Yes, it is great! No more wires and metal brackets. A complimentary consultation can tell you what you need to know! Call today!

Do Dental Implants really work?                                                                                                                                                                                            Yes, dental implants are actually the best way to replace missing teeth. The results are very long-lasting, natural and look great. Even denture wearers can benefit from implants. Complimentary consultations, including necessary x-rays, are available. Financing is also available.